The GED (General Education Development) test is a state affiliated test series, which is equivalent to a high school diploma. There are 5 sub-tests within this test. The test subjects are: Part one: Writing skills and Interpreting literature and arts Part two: Mathematics, Science and Social studies.
The duration of the GED test is 7.5 hours. The complete test series carries 4000 marks, with 800 marks per subject. The minimum passing marks varies from state to state, as different jurisdictions may set up different GED standards. However, all the states follow the lower score limit set by ACE (American Council on Education). According to ACE, a candidate should score at least 410 out of 800 in each subject.
Meaning, a candidate should score at least 2,250 out of 4000 in the GED test. States may raise their GED passing standard from that set by ACE, but they cannot lower it. Thus, different states may raise the maximum lower limit from 2,250 to a score greater than it. A candidate is expected to earn a minimum of 60% marks in the test to pass.
All questions are multiple-choice, except for essay writing. The essay writing section holds 40% of the score in part one of GED. Part one consists of Writing skills and Interpreting language and arts. Essays are assessed depending on the language, grammar, content, organization, idea and relevance to the topic. GED test scores are set by comparing them with a random number of graduating high school seniors of a state.
The candidates taking the GED test are required to score high enough to equal or exceed the level shown by sixty percent of graduating high school candidates. The GED test examines how well a candidate absorbs concepts and how efficiently she or he can put them to use. Examiners possess the right to dismiss a candidate if found using unfair means in the test.
A candidate dismissed, cannot re-appear for the GED for the next two months. States deliver the test result to candidates through mail. If a candidate scores well in some subjects and fails in the rest, he/she can re-take the failed-subject(s) next time. For example, if a candidate has scored more than 410 in science, social studies, writing skills and language arts each, but just 300 in mathematics, he/she can re-take GED by appearing for only mathematics. However, this depends upon each test center, whether they will permit candidates to re-appear for the GED test, and the number of times they can take the test.
It is always better to practice the tests before actually taking the GED test. Candidates need to brush up their basic concepts with practice mock tests, and to develop speed and accuracy. Generally, people have a tendency to ignore or dismiss their weaknesses.
It is better, however, to nail weak areas, get fundamentals clear, and refine concepts well before the exam. While the difficulty level of any subject differs from person to person, the government statistics reveal that candidates usually have a low passing rate in mathematics and essay writing. The GED test is a prestigious exam that measures the ability of a candidate to understand concepts and not merely memorize them. The GED certificate serves as a good credential for the future of a person.
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